VEVOR Single Stage Rotary Vane 12CFM 1HP Deep Vacuum Pump HVAC AC Air Tool


SKU: 142692851267 Category:



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Product Description
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

12CFM 1 Stage Vacuum Pump

The VP series of these vane vacuum pumps are used to obtain a vacuum by pumping gas from a sealed container. They are extremely useful in refrigeration repair, printing machinery, vacuum packing, gas-analysis, and hot-forming plastics.

  • Premium Material
  • No Oil Flow Back
  • Viewable Oil Window
  • Intelligent Radiator
élévateur magnétique,100kg,jaune
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service

Key Features

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Copper Motor & Aluminum Body

    The vacuum pump base was built with a heavy-duty aluminum alloy shell and copper wire motor, which is sturdy and stable; four rubber soles increase the vacuum pump’s stability, and non-slip rubber feet ensure minimal movement.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Oil No-Flow Back Design

    The Inlet port fits most manifold gauge. The refrigerant vacuum pump is designed to prevent oil from flowing back and polluting its container and tubes. The Solenoid valve can automatically cut off the power supply failure, effectively prevent gas reflux.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Oil Viewing Window 

    This rotary vane vacuum pump comes equipped with an oil sight glass to monitor oil levels and quality, avoiding oil deficiency. The oil Drain valve is positioned at the bottom of the oil reservoir and angled for faster, more complete draining.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Strong Heat Dissipation

    The built-in cooling fan and formatted heat dissipation window design can quickly dissipate heat and effectively protect the machine. The built-in thermal protector prevents the machine from burning and prolongs the life of the machine. 

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Compact & Portable Design

    The pump is equipped with a portable handle, which makes it easy to carry. The handle design comes with the case coated with skid-proof rubber.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Various Application

    The Single Stage 12CFM 1HP vacuum pump can be used in household air conditioning, automobile maintenance, vacuum packaging, refrigerator vacuum, Industry, etc.

Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP


  • Size: 12CFM 1 STAGE
  • Ultimate Vacuum: 5pa
  • Voltage: 110v/60hz
  • Inlet: 1/4″ SAE &1/2″ Acme
  • Item Weight: 34.5 pounds
  • Item model number: VP1200
  • Manufacturer Part Number: VP160-VP2200
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

Package Content

  • 1 x Vacuum Pump Single Stage 12CFM

Features & Details

  • 【DURABLE MATERIAL】- Our HVAC vacuum pump is made of heavy-duty aluminum alloy with good heat dissipation abilities, durable and sturdy. Strong copper motor with stable operation. The base was made of composite rubber material for extending machine life. 
  • 【NO FLOW BACK】- The refrigerant vacuum pump is designed to avoid chamber contamination by avoiding oil from flowing back and polluting its container and tubes. Oil fill port makes oil adding simpler since the port is accessible from the front or either side.
  • 【VIEWABLE OIL WINDOW】- This AC vacuum pump comes equipped with an oil viewing window so that you can easily monitor oil levels and quality, avoid oil deficiency. The oil drain valve at the bottom of the oil reservoir ensures faster and more complete draining.
  • 【INTELLIGENT RADIATOR】 – Our vacuum pump tool can cool itself and avoid it from burning out when something is stuck. Built-in thermal protection can avoid burning machines and extend the machine’s life. 
  • 【WIDE APPLICATION】- Ergonomic grip handle is designed for superior comfort and portability. The automotive vacuum pump is suitable for household air conditioning, automobile maintenance, vacuum packaging, refrigerator vacuum, Industry, etc.




















































































Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP
Flow Rate Flow Rate 4.5CFM (126L/Min) 4.5CFM (126L/Min) 7CFM (196L/Min) 7CFM (196L/Min) 8CFM (224L/Min) 8CFM (224L/Min) 9CFM (252L/Min) 9CFM (252L/Min) 12CFM (336L/Min) 12CFM (336L/Min) 12CFM (336L/Min) 12CFM (336L/Min)
Oil capacity of Pump Oil capacity of Pump 250 ML 250 ML 250ml 250ml 500 ML 500 ML 370ml 370ml 600ml 600ml 600ml 600ml
Stage Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 satge 2 satge 2 Stage 2 Stage 2 satge 2 satge 2 satge 2 satge
Power Power 1/3HP 1/3HP 1/2HP 1/2HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP
Ultimate Vacuum Ultimate Vacuum 5Pa 5Pa 5Pa 5Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa 3X10-1Pa

Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP
élévateur magnétique,100kg,jaune
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

12CFM 1 Stage Vacuum Pump

The VP series of these vane vacuum pumps are used to obtain a vacuum by pumping gas from a sealed container. They are extremely useful in refrigeration repair, printing machinery, vacuum packing, gas-analysis, and hot-forming plastics.

  • Premium Material
  • No Oil Flow Back
  • Viewable Oil Window
  • Intelligent Radiator

Key Features

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Copper Motor & Aluminum Body

    The vacuum pump base was built with a heavy-duty aluminum alloy shell and copper wire motor, which is sturdy and stable; four rubber soles increase the vacuum pump’s stability, and non-slip rubber feet ensure minimal movement.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Oil No-Flow Back Design

    The Inlet port fits most manifold gauge. The refrigerant vacuum pump is designed to prevent oil from flowing back and polluting its container and tubes. The Solenoid valve can automatically cut off the power supply failure, effectively prevent gas reflux.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Oil Viewing Window 

    This rotary vane vacuum pump comes equipped with an oil sight glass to monitor oil levels and quality, avoiding oil deficiency. The oil Drain valve is positioned at the bottom of the oil reservoir and angled for faster, more complete draining.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Strong Heat Dissipation

    The built-in cooling fan and formatted heat dissipation window design can quickly dissipate heat and effectively protect the machine. The built-in thermal protector prevents the machine from burning and prolongs the life of the machine. 

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Compact & Portable Design

    The pump is equipped with a portable handle, which makes it easy to carry. The handle design comes with the case coated with skid-proof rubber.

  • Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

    Various Application

    The Single Stage 12CFM 1HP vacuum pump can be used in household air conditioning, automobile maintenance, vacuum packaging, refrigerator vacuum, Industry, etc.

Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP

Package Content

  • 1 x Vacuum Pump Single Stage 12CFM
Vacuum Pump, 12CFM, 1HP


  • Size: 12CFM 1 STAGE
  • Ultimate Vacuum: 5pa
  • Voltage: 110v/60hz
  • Inlet: 1/4″ SAE &1/2″ Acme
  • Item Weight: 34.5 pounds
  • Item model number: VP1200
  • Manufacturer Part Number: VP160-VP2200

Features & Details

  • 【DURABLE MATERIAL】- Our HVAC vacuum pump is made of heavy-duty aluminum alloy with good heat dissipation abilities, durable and sturdy. Strong copper motor with stable operation. The base was made of composite rubber material for extending machine life. 
  • 【NO FLOW BACK】- The refrigerant vacuum pump is designed to avoid chamber contamination by avoiding oil from flowing back and polluting its container and tubes. Oil fill port makes oil adding simpler since the port is accessible from the front or either side.
  • 【VIEWABLE OIL WINDOW】- This AC vacuum pump comes equipped with an oil viewing window so that you can easily monitor oil levels and quality, avoid oil deficiency. The oil drain valve at the bottom of the oil reservoir ensures faster and more complete draining.
  • 【INTELLIGENT RADIATOR】 – Our vacuum pump tool can cool itself and avoid it from burning out when something is stuck. Built-in thermal protection can avoid burning machines and extend the machine’s life. 
  • 【WIDE APPLICATION】- Ergonomic grip handle is designed for superior comfort and portability. The automotive vacuum pump is suitable for household air conditioning, automobile maintenance, vacuum packaging, refrigerator vacuum, Industry, etc.



California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA

Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX

New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA

North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC

Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR



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  • We accept PayPal payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on.
  • Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.
  • We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.


  • All of our items are backed with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In case you receive the item that is not to the standards above, please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new original condition as received and should be shipped with delivery confirmation
  • Please note that all returns must be pre-approved by us. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
  • We ONLY accept returns with original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage. Used items will not be accepted for return.


  • Email Customer Support:
  • 9:00am-2:00am PST Sunday-Friday
  • All emails will be responded to within 12-24 hours


  • This item comes with 12 months Warranty from the date of customers purchased it. Special circumstances will be listed clearly in the listing.
  • If your item has been damaged in transit or become faulty in warranty period, please email us with pictures or video to show the problem.
  • Please do check everything carefully after you received the parcel, any the damage except DOA (Dead-On-Arrival) would not be covered if it’s your fault.
  • Replacement products are provided with the same warranty as the returned products.

Additional information


12CFM Vacuum Pump Single Stage





Ultimate Vacuum





1/4 " SAE &1/2" Acme

Item Weight

34.5 pounds

Package Dimensions

18.1 x 12.5 x 8.5 inches

Item model number


Manufacturer Part Number





2 years






Alloy Aluminium Casing


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